Saturday, May 13, 2023

Sunday Worship Service May 14, 2023

Call to Worship Romans 8:28
Hymn JBC # 81 God, our Father, we adore Thee!
The Lord’s Prayer
Scripture Genesis 50:15~21
Sermon [The fear of the brothers]
Hymn JBC #21 Worthy of worship
Doxology JBC # 679

I believe that we hold regret of a mistake that we have made, or an unpleasant thing that we did to someone else or having offended a person.
We probably think, if possible, we wish they never happened. Unfortunately, however, we cannot disregard a matter that once has happened (or can’t act as if they had never happened).
After making a slip of the tongue or inappropriate statement, particularly politicians are often criticized, and the news they saying [I retract that statement] is sometimes broadcasted, but I extremely feel a sense of incongruity (feel strange) to that statement.

I guess it is being said for apology, but we cannot literally [retract] or [revoke] something that was once stated.
I think what we can do is to shoulder the blame of the mistake we have made, and if we have offended someone, let us with full sincerity confront that person or matter, to walk on and not to commit the same mistake.

In our bible passage today (Genesis 50:15~21), is depicted the figure of people who were under bondage and suffering for long years in effect to what they have once committed. They were Joseph’s brothers, meaning the sons of Jacob.
The sons of Jacob being furious against the arrogant behavior of their younger brother Joseph and that because their father Jacob just loved him (Joseph), have thought to the extent of killing him in the past.
Eventually, they have desisted from (stopped) killing Joseph, but he was thrown into a pit, and in the end was sold to Egypt.

Since then, Joseph had various experiences in Egypt. As he also experienced being imprisoned under false accusation, he was promoted up to a rank next to king Pharaoh in Egypt.
The story of Joseph that is depicted in Genesis demonstrates human being’s foolishness and sinfulness (the figure of young Joseph’s arrogance, self-centeredness and his brothers that envy him)

Concurrently, however, although we human beings make mistake or fail and mutually hurt each other, the story of Joseph demonstrates hope that we are certainly protected and guided by the hands of the invisible God and His plan.
Joseph lived distantly from his brothers and father Jacob. Then famine came to the land where they lived, and through that, Joseph and his family were given the opportunity to see each other again.
Being received by Joseph who was promoted up to prime minister in Egypt, their father Jacob and his brothers could continue to live peacefully and quietly in Egypt.
However, when their father Jacob died, Joseph’s brothers were caught by the thought of great anxiety, or should we say fear. That is today’s passage, the background of the last passage of Genesis.

In verse 15 which is the beginning of today’s passage is written as follows.
15 When Joseph’s brothers saw that their father was dead, they said, “What if Joseph holds a grudge against us and pays us back for all the wrongs we did to him?”

While their father Jacob was living, Joseph gently treated them. But now that their father is gone, his brothers feared ~ “what if Joseph takes revenge against us for we attempted to kill him once in the past?”
Their father Jacob when he was young cheated his father Isaac’s blessing and took it from his older brother Esau that provoked him to anger. At that time, what the older brother Esau thought against his young brother Jacob is written as follows (Genesis 27:41)
Esau held a grudge against Jacob because of the blessing his father had given him. He said to himself, “The days of mourning for my father are near; then I will kill my brother Jacob.”
For that reason, Jacob had to leave his hometown for long years, and lived.

As what happened between Jacob and his brother Esau, the fact that serious discord (conflict) among brothers also occurred between Jacob’s sons (repeated) expresses the sinfulness of us human beings.
Joseph’s brothers couldn’t even initially appeal directly to him, but it is written as follows that they asked for Joseph’s forgiveness through someone.
16 So they sent word to Joseph, saying, “Your father left these instructions before he died: 17 ‘This is what you are to say to Joseph: I ask you to forgive your brothers the sins and the wrongs they committed in treating you so badly.’ Now please forgive the sins of the servants of the God of your father.” When their message came to him, Joseph wept.

 The fact that his brothers feared to this extent was perhaps even while their father was living, they might have seen sometimes (or even for a moment) in Joseph’s behavior or figure that grudge or anger against them appears.
When Joseph disclosed his true self before his brothers that he was Joseph their younger brother, he told them not to regret or blame each other that they sold him to Egypt (chap. 45:5)
And yet however, could it be that the thought that he can never forgive his brothers remained in his innermost heart?
 Also, there must have been a regret within the heart of his brothers as well concerning the fact that they’ve thought of killing their younger brother in the past. Simultaneously, perhaps his brothers might have felt of blaming Joseph that [a part of the cause was also on Joseph’s haughty behavior]
Human emotion is such a complicated matter.
Since Joseph had a great authority in Egypt, his brothers feared of his revenge. And even themselves knelt before him and begged for pardon. [As you see, we are your slaves] (v. 18)

At that time, Joseph wept. And he answers as follows.
“Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God?
Joseph’s response ~ [Am I in the place of God?] means real forgiveness, and forgiveness that gives true peace to man is just given through God.

True peace is given through that forgiveness~ and it is only God who gives such forgiveness. No matter how excellent personality a person has, for a person to forgive or judge (put to blame) someone is primarily not possible.
I believe that Joseph wanted to completely forgive his brothers. However, with the flashback of dread when he was thrown into the dark pit, could it be that he recalled the anger and resentment against his brothers.
Who can tell Joseph [forgive your brothers]? Therefore, he could only say [Am I in the place of God?]
True forgiveness is only received from God. That is why, “As we ask for God’s forgiveness, and pour out everything before Him, let us live together even from now on”~ I believe that Joseph responded to his brothers with such sincere thought.
Through various experiences that happened to him, Joseph could also confront his own sins, and above all, he believed God’s powerful, wondrous hands and His plan.

Therefore, Joseph could also tell as follows. Let me read verses 20~21.

20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. 21 So then, don’t be afraid. I will provide for you and your children.” And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them.
Despite human sin and wickedness, God is the One who has the power to turn that to goodness.
Joseph’s words are true. God can create ultimate goodness even from human wickedness.
Over the time, in Jesus Christ’s period, people crucified and killed the sinless Jesus.
However, our sins are forgiven through that, and people could now go to God through the cross of Christ.
Well then, was it a good thing that people (we) crucified and killed Jesus? Since human sin has been forgiven because of it, did those who crucified Jesus do a good thing?

Of course not. Jesus crucified was an event where we human beings’ awful sin was most revealed. And we ought to constantly have the thought of repentance on that matter.
However, it was clearly demonstrated through the event of Christ’s crucifixion that God is the One who has the power to turn even human wickedness to goodness. The believer who is made to realize, believes and grateful of that matter, will surely be changed to a person whose way of life is worthy of that grace.
I commit various failures and I believe that there is someone I had hurt or offended to what I have said or done.

And though I become aware of it, I just can’t say that simple remark [I am sorry] or [My apology] It is my desire that I can have the heart to say honestly [I am sorry].
As we live together, disagreement, misunderstanding or conflict among people will never be gone, though of course we would like to avoid it if possible. That is, because we are mutual sinners.
However, there is God that turns evil to good, and He guides us. Therefore, let us unite our hearts, seek for God’s will and live.
And the true forgiveness, the ultimate forgiveness and salvation has already been given to us through the cross of Jesus Christ, and as we keep in mind that immeasurable grace, let us walk together the road of faith.