April 21, 2013 Sermon Summary
Hebrew 12:1-3
The life of faith is often likened to track and field. There is a respective stage in life and sometimes there is hurdle that needs to be jumped over. And we have to do something to overcome it. ◆It is found in chapter 12 verse 1[As for us, we have this large crowd of witnesses around us] These [large crowd of witnesses] refer to the pioneers of faith that are written in chapter 11 of this book. They were people that came through each one’s life [by faith] And even now, they cheer us up by the roadside of our life’s path as they wave the banner saying [Hang in there! Go for it! Run through by faith!]. Let us picture such a scene in our mind. ◆We are impressed as we watch a runner running through 42.195 kilometers. As such, the figure of a believer that can run through surpassing even any hurdle by his faith in Jesus touches the people around.◆ Please give attention to verse 1 [let us run with determination the race that lies before us] It is not just a matter of [me] nor [you] but [us]. It concerns the church. By faith we run with Jesus but right there is our fellow Christian running along with us. It is not to compete with each other but to encourage one another. It is because we experience the same suffering that we are partners encouraging one another. In doing so, we exist to encourage each other that we may complete together the run of the life of faith. Let us run through together the road of faith.